Ermysted’s Grammar School
Ermysted’s Grammar School is maintained by the North Yorkshire Education Authority, which coordinates all of the School’s admissions via its selection scheme. There are 120 places available at Year 7 and priority is given to those who live within the school’s catchment area. To be considered for a place at the school, all prospective pupils must take the 11 Plus test coordinated by GL Assessment.
The school will offer places to the highest-scoring 28% of pupils who live within the catchment area. In the event of any surplus places, these will be offered to pupils outside of the catchment.
In recent years, there have been five Year 7 applications for every one place, so in the event of oversubscription, the school will adhere to the following criteria in order of priority:
Boys who are currently, or have previously been, looked after by the Local Authority.
Boys who live within the catchment area.
Boys who live outside of the catchment area.
Skipton Girls’ High School
Skipton Girls’ High School is a selective school, so girls who wish to join the school in Year 7 sit a set of selection tests. If more girls are successful in the tests than can be offered places at the school other criteria, including home to school distance are taken into account.
The planned admission number (PAN) for entry into Year 7 is 116. The Governors will plan to admit girls who have reached the required selection test standard up to this limit.
For eligible candidates, the School will set selection tests for entrance into Year 7. These will consist of three separate tests:
Verbal Reasoning